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The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran was founded on 2 main philosophies,

that are benefit for the community and togetherness in the fellowship. The idea to establish the Faculty of Medicine came from the Minister of Health, dr. Lie Kiat Teng at the IDI Congress in Surabaya in 1953. At that time many doctors who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia were keep stay at FKUI to meet the needs of teaching staff at FKUI. Bandung was the city of choice to establish the next Faculty of Medicine. Villa Isola (Bumi Siliwangi) was planned to be a first campus, but it didn't work. Fortunately, at that time, the Central General Hospital of Rancabadak was constructing new buildings for the Internal Medicine, Child Health, laboratory and lecture rooms. It was opening the hope to establish a Faculty of Medicine in Bandung. In line with the establishment of the University of Padjadjaran (Government Regulation No. 37/1957), the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Padjadjaran was also established along with three other faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and FKIP. 

In the process of establishing the Faculty of Medicine Unpad,

the role of stakeholders in West Java was very large and their contribution is framed in a strong spirit of togetherness. In historical records, RSUP Ranca Badak at that time handed over the buildings on the side of Jalan Pasirkaliki to the Faculty of Medicine to be used. A room with wooden cubicle wall that used before as warehouse of the RSUP was also used as an Anatomy practicum. In the next developments, another Pre-Clinic Laboratory was built on Jalan Dago and began to be used since January 1958. Anatomy and histology lecture and practicum rooms on Jalan Pasirkaliki were then built and started to be used in middle of 1961. Since the beginning the medical personnel at Ranca Badak Hospital and employees at the West Java Health Inspectorate become the lecturers at Faculty of Medicine Unpad together with other lecturers that appointed by the Ministry of Education. The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran was founded on 2 main philosophies, these are the benefit of society and togetherness in the community.

The Specialist Medical Study Program is a postgraduate medical program which is an advanced level of the general practitioner study program, in which students learn under supervision in order to increase competence so that they can carry out medical practice in certain specialist fields independently (World Federation of Medical education / WFME, Postgraduate Medical Education, 2003).

Specialist Medical Education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran was held in 1980 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number: 076/II/1980. The Specialist Doctor Education Coordination Team I (TKP PPDS-I) was formed on December 1, 1980 based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the University of Padjadjaran number: 137/Kep./UNPAD/1980. In carrying out specialist medical education programs, each study program has a curriculum and various provisions that are in accordance with the relevant Collegium and also Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran Institution. Furthermore, each Study Program strives to continuously improve the quality of education in order to meet various requirements required by various regional or international bodies such as the World Federation of Medical Education.

The total of study programs in the Specialist-I Medical Education Program (PPDS-I),

which initially consisted from 6 study programs, has grown rapidly along with the addition of human resources and facilities and infrastructure both owned by the Teaching Hospital and by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran. At this time, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran has 21 specialist doctor study programs. Meanwhile, as part of the development of Health sciences, the Faculty of Medicine opened a Nursing Science study program in 1994 which later developed into the Faculty of Nursing since 2005.

Peresmian Kampus Dago 248 Oleh Dekan ke 1 Djoehana Wiradikarta

Now the Faculty of Medicine consists of various study programs,

from diploma to doctoral programs; among others :

  • Diploma Study Program (1)
  • Undergraduate Study Programs (2)
  • Professional Study Program (2)
  • Specialist Study Program (23)
  • Subspecialty Study Program (5)
  • Master Study Program (5)
  • Doctoral Study Program (1)
Suasana Ruang C Kampus Diaptiukur pada tahun 1973
Suasana Kampus Dago 248 pada tahun 60 an 300x148 1
Gerbang Muka Fakultas Kedokteran Kampus Pasirkaliki

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