Alumni of FK Unpad is someone who is declared to have been registered/registered as a student of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran in all strata and diplomas, either completing or not completing their education.
The mention of alumni names is based on the incoming batch, not on the graduating class. Thus, the first batch was the class of 1957. In the course of its history, there was only one year that there were no alumni, namely the class of 1966 in connection with the G30S/PKI incident at that time.
Alumni from all faculties that under the organization of the alumni of Padjadjaran University, are united under the alumni association organization named the Padjadjaran University Alumni Association (IKA UNPAD). The organization was founded on September 24, 1960.
The position of alumni of the Faculty of Medicine UNPAD is as part of the IKA UNPAD, united in an organizational forum called IKA UNPAD Commissariat of the Faculty of Medicine (IKA FK UNPAD). In accordance with the definition, IKA FK UNPAD consists of several sub-commissions, both diploma, strata, specialist, sub-specialist and post-graduate study programs. Members of the IKA FK UNPAD alumni are spread throughout the regions in remote Indonesia and even abroad. Many FK alumni who are abroad come from Malaysia, with the opening of a special program for foreign students since 2001.
To re-register the presence of alumni, a program called SALIKSIK (Satukan ALumni Kita dalam databaSe yang baIK ) or (Unite Our Alumni in a good database) is carried out, where in this program all alumni will be re-recorded and the data will always be updated. One of the results that had been achieved from this program is the formation of an alumni database from all study programs. In addition, one of the other achievements of this program is the well-organized election of the chairman of the IKA FK UNPAD for the 2016-2020 period by e-voting.
Elections by e-voting, which are said to be not many from such alumni organizations, have been able to provide significant changes to interest and participation in voting.
In the 2016 Alumni Night event, a program was launched to support updating the database, namely the Alumni Card program. This program is implemented in collaboration with Bank BNI, in the form of co-branding of the Tap Cash card from BNI. Each alumni will write their name and special alumni number which will be included in the alumni card. To get more information about the IKA FK alumni card, please contact this <link