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Unpad Faculty of Medicine Doctor's Oath Taking: Happy Moments of Batch IV of the 2022/2023 Academic Year

Bandung, 12 August 2023 – The Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran (Unpad) is again holding a Doctor's Oath Taking event for batch IV students for the 2022/2023 academic year. The event took place solemnly and was attended by 213 prospective doctors, consisting of 61 men and 152 women. On this historic occasion, 177 of them took the oath according to the Islamic religion, while 35 others represented other religions such as Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism and Confucianism.

In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Yudi Mulyana Hidayat, dr., SpOG(K)-Onk, DMAS. The Dean of FK Unpad expressed his gratitude for this opportunity, revealing that the total number of doctors who have graduated from the Faculty of Medicine Unpad has so far reached 10,052 people. This achievement includes 213 new doctors who officially took the oath today, continuing the Unpad Faculty of Medicine's tradition of excellence in producing quality medical personnel.

Foto Bersama Pimpinan, Guru Besar dan Mahasiswa Pada Acara Sumpah Dokter Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Gelombang IV Tahun Akademik 2022-2023

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran also did not forget to give appreciation to all parties involved in the preparation and organization of the Doctor's Oath Taking Batch IV. The support and hard work of lecturers, administrative staff, families, and all parties involved are very meaningful in producing doctors who are ready to contribute to the world of health.

This event was closed with sincere prayer and hope that these new doctors will always be given guidance and blessings in carrying out their responsibilities as doctors for all levels of society. May their steps always be endowed with the courage, knowledge and sensitivity to face various challenges in the medical world, and be able to create positive changes for the general welfare.

Adhi Taufiq Akbar


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